Until COVID legislation changes, we intend to open our shop to supply members with essential beekeeping supplies as we did very successfully during 2020. We will strictly observe current COVID legislation and guidelines, and will be open for collections only (no browsing or chatting) each Saturday morning during the active beekeeping season from 6th March.
Members wishing to purchase from our shop must pre-order via email to shop@fleetbeekeepers.com.
Orders requested by Thursday evening will generally be available for collection on Saturday morning; orders made after the Thursday cut-off may not be available until the the following week. On Friday, you’ll receive an email confirmation and a time for collection on Saturday. Collection will be from a table in the rear car park. Card payment or cheques are the only methods of payment we will accept (we will not take cash at present).
Very important:
- Please do not request additional items when you collect your order, which will have been made up in advance;
- Please arrive promptly at the time advised in your acknowledgment email, and depart immediately after collection;
- Do not visit the shop unless you have an acknowledgement of a timed pick up.
I’m sure we will miss the additional social chat of Friday evenings, but I’m sure we will continue to adapt as we gain experience of supporting members under the current rules.
David Morgan