About Us

More about Fleet Beekeepers’ Association

The organisation that became Fleet & District Beekeepers’ Association (FBKA) first met on Friday, March 15th 1918 and the constitution stated its aims were “to assist cottagers and beekeepers by supplying them with beekeeping appliances and assisting them in the care and management of bees”. The association has been in continued existence since that time and holds regular meetings and other events to promote best practice.

FBKA is a branch of the Hampshire Beekeepers Association, (HBA) which in turn is a member of the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA). All Registered (and Partner, Junior & Country) members of FBKA are also automatically members of HBA and BBKA.

Since 2021, the Association has been a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO); it is a not-for-profit organisation, run entirely by volunteers for the benefit of bees and beekeepers alike.

We have our own shop that provides beekeeping equipment to members at favourable prices and also have a number of key items of beekeeping equipment available to hire by members at very low cost including a honey extractor, refractometer, cappings tray and wax melter etc.

We also have a dedicated training apiary we use for training the practical skills members need and a number of local apiary sites where members can keep their bees subject to some simple rules around good husbandry and hygiene.

Please contact us using this form if you are interested in joining Fleet Beekeepers or have any other bee related query.

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