An Ashanti Development project
supported by
Bees Abroad and
Fleet Bee Keepers Association
Two of our members, Dawn Williamson and Paul Bloch are keen supporters of Bee Abroad, a charity who help train subsistence farmers all over the world to become beekeepers, producing honey and other products to supplement their incomes.
- This project works in the villages around Mampong in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The sale of honey provides subsistence farmers with money for education, health and family support
- We train local people in beekeeping, how to make hives and bee suits; harvest and market their honey. Once a beekeeper has been trained and obtained some experience they will help to train others
- It is a long term project. More beekeepers will be trained each year and each beekeeper will build more hives as profits from honey sales permit
How you can help
- Sponsor a bee keeper – this includes training costs, materials for the first 2 hives, materials for a bee suit
- Donate honey – we will sell the honey in London and Birmingham and all proceeds will go to the project
For further information on beekeepers in Ghana and to donate honey call Dawn Williamson and Paul Bloch (FBKA members) on 01252 850289 or 07900 606521. Honey donations can be left at the FBKA shop on Friday evenings.