
Our Association is very active in the local community. We support many local events each year – this is one of the ways we “advance the education of the public in the importance of honey bees to the environment”, part of our charitable objective.  We will usually bring some beekeeping artefacts, an observation hive with an active colony of live honey bees (safely secured in the hive) and we’ll often bring some honey to sell. Beekeepers love talking about bees.

We also talk to schools, youth groups, clubs and other community groups about bees and beekeeping.

If you are organising a community event and you’d like us to support you, please use the contact form (see below) and provide us with the details including at a minimum: your organisation, event location, date and time. If we’re not already booked and have volunteer beekeepers who can attend, we will usually come and support you.

The following list shows some of the events we are likely to support during 2025:

Members of Fleet & District Beekeepers:

  • Please consider attending or helping to support the above events. If you can offer help or want to bring some honey to sell please get in touch with the FBKA coordinator via our contact us page (please don’t turn up unexpectedly with honey for sale)
  • If  you want to support a community engagement event and would like to use our resources  (e.g.  borrow an observation hive (not normally available September – May) or other resources to support a talk you’re giving to a school, group, etc), please use our contact us form to check availability/logistics before you confirm with the external event team.