General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)


Fleet Beekeepers & District Beekeepers’ Association (FBKA) currently has over 240 members. Over 200 are registered with the HBA and the BBKA; the remainder are non-beekeeping members (either associate or family members and not registered with BBKA). The Association holds members’ personal data on IT systems and this enables our volunteers to manage all our activities and to communicate with our members.  The Lawful Basis for processing personal data is that of Legitimate Interests. 

NB. throughout this document, Members includes any person whose details we hold, notwithstanding their actual membership status (e.g. may not have renewed membership, or formally joined).

What personal data do we hold?

Membership database: our online membership database is managed by Webcollect, a web based membership and communication system intended for clubs like ours; the personal data held for each member is:

  • Email address
  • Name; Address; Phone number(s)
  • Date of birth (if provided by the member)
  • Membership status (membership type, additional BDI, dates of renewal) & subscriptions paid
  • BBKA Qualifications held

The membership data is collected, summarised and transmitted to the HBA (BBKA) and BDI using Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheets are kept on an encrypted harddisk in passworded files.

Swarm requests, extractor requests & ad-hoc lists: we use online and offline forms and spreadsheets to collect and process data for swarm requests, extractor hire requests and other ad-hoc items for particular purposes (e.g. attending a function, volunteering to help at an event, etc.):

  • Email address
  • Name; Address; Phone number

How does FBKA obtain this information?

All personal data is provided by members. On joining the association, the membership team will, set up a member record in Webcollect with name and email address. The member then logs in to the system and provides all other information. Members may check and update their own personal data at any time. We may update or correct personal data on a member’s behalf.

NB; If data is entered for children, those providing it must have parental responsibility, or the agreement of someone with parental responsibility, before providing it.

Members may also choose to provide personal data, if they wish, on a seasonal/ad-hoc basis, to (for example):

  • volunteer to help, take assessments, and participate in other ad-hoc activities;
  • request a swarm;
  • request hire of an extractor.

 How can members check that personal data is accurate?

Members have the right to check their data at any time.

  • Members may log in at any time to check, correct and update personal data and, if appropriate, data pertaining to all members of your family group
  • Members may request details of all personal data we hold – this will be the same as you can see if you log in to Webcollect

Why does FBKA hold this data?

  • To let us know who our members are
  • To let us contact members by email or phone
  • To manage membership joining/renewal and Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) returns
  • To facilitate efficient communications for club activities (meetings, events, swarm list, equipment hire, etc.)

Who has access to the data?

Membership database: Access is restricted to a small number of the FBKA Committee, and exceptionally to other members, to facilitate efficient running and administration of the Association and its activities. In addition, a subset of this data will be sent to Hampshire Beekeepers Association, British Beekeepers Association and Bee Disease Insurance Ltd as required to effect membership renewals and BDI returns, and to notify members of county and national events. We will not sell or otherwise provide members’ personal details to any other organisation. 

Ad hoc lists: Any member to whom the data is relevant.

How long will the data be retained? 

We will retain data for as long as an individual remains a member of the Association and for at least to three years after their last contact with us unless we are required to keep it for longer (e.g. for Gift-Aid audit). However, we will, on request, delete former members’ contact details.