The shop will be open each Friday evening from Friday 4th April – 14th (TBC) September 2024.
Current prices are here: Shop Prices 2025.
We are very fortunate to have our own shop – very few associations have one, and ours is only made possible by the hard work of a lot of dedicated volunteers. Many members consider the shop to be the heart of the association. It stocks all the consumables beekeepers need throughout the season. Shop prices are usually lower than most beekeeping suppliers and other online sources, and all surplus funds are fed back into the association. Items such as frames and foundation for all common hive designs along with feed supplements, Varroa treatments and other key items are all available for sale most Friday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30 PM (closures and/or additional opening dates will be advised to members by email) throughout the active beekeeping season.
All enquiries should be emailed to
We try to anticipate demand based on previous years’ experience, but we do sometimes run out of stock – if you would like to make a large purchase, please contact us in advance at We want to make sure stock items are always (or usually) available for members to purchase in modest quantities, so may limit large volume sales unless you’ve made a prior arrangement.
Shop nights are also very friendly informal social events and there are usually knowledgeable and experienced beekeepers on hand to help out with advice for anyone with any beekeeping related queries.
If you don’t know where the shop is, please ask via or the contact us page. We suffered a break-in a few years ago, and are very conscious of security; members must keep the shop location a confidential matter within the club and not to disclose it to anyone who is not a member. If others want to know, please refer them to the contact us page. The shop is a very precious resource that we don’t want to lose through further theft or vandalism.